On this Sunday morning, Lord, I want to worship YOU.
I acknowledge who you are...
The Messiah
Our Lord and Savior
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End
Creator God
You alone deserve our worship and praise.
You came into this world in a lowly stable, born to a peasant girl and boy.
Your first bed was a manger filled with hay.
Your first witnesses to your glory, the ordinary cows and sheep and donkeys.
Your first visitors were common men...shepherds.
But you were anything but common. Anything but ordinary.
Your story began in a garden, became manifested in a stable, was lived out on a cruel cross and will one day culminate in Heaven around the throne of God!
You and you alone are God. You deserve all of our worship and all of our praise.
May you be our central focus today. Not a man...not a teacher...not a particular church...not a style of music or a song....just YOU!
Worthy....Worthy is the Lamb of God. Worthy of all honor and glory and praise!!
16 hours ago