Monday, October 30, 2017

Alzheimer's is a word that strikes fear in our hearts almost as much as cancer does. No one wants to experience this disease nor does anyone want to see someone they love go through it.

That was how I felt. I prayed that would NEVER happen to my mother. But, it did. To be precise, my mother suffered from one of the many forms of dementia known as vascular dementia (although doctors felt she probably also suffered from Alzheimer's as well.)

You see many people lump all forms of dementia under the well known term of “Alzheimer's”, while in fact, Alzheimer's is only one of a host of manifestations of dementia, which is the umbrella of all sorts of illnesses which affect the memory.

But, make no mistake... they are ALL life-changing and life-disrupting.

For those who have not been exposed to someone with dementia, it is commonly thought that the most significant change is that regarding memory loss as it relates to things like “where did I put my keys?”, “remembering names”, “recognizing faces”, etc. It is true that dementia DOES bring about those things, but it affects a person in so many other ways. And each person is different in how the disease is manifested in them.

A person loses the ability to reason, to think logically which in turn causes them at times to make bad, even dangerous decisions. At times, they create their own reality, and if you are not careful, you will not even realize what they are saying is not true. It causes them to not be able to process things such as operating their remote or following a simple recipe. Too many things in front of them confuses them. It's almost like they can only focus on one object at a time. Disrupting their routine can also greatly frustrate them. These are just a few of the ways this disease can affect a person that most people have never heard of or thought about.

It is a disease that creeps up on you, in most cases. With my mother, I was the first to notice that something was just not right, though I was hoping against hope that I was wrong. But, as with most people, since that is the last thing we WANT it to be, we try to rationalize the signs away. “It's just age”, “She's just not listening or paying attention”, “We ALL forget things once in a while.” Mother would repeat herself, telling the same stories again and again. I would tell her something on the phone and 10 minutes later she would call and ask me numerous questions about what we had just talked about, and in 20 minutes or so, would repeat the whole scenario over again. She began forgetting appointments, where she was supposed to be, and eventually how to get there.

I began to seek professional help, but found that to be seriously lacking!! For Alzheimer's and related diseases to be so prevalent today, it was appalling to me that doctors, in general, were so ill-equipped to give advice or guidance. I wanted someone to tell me how to navigate this road I'd suddenly been sent down, but it seemed the help was minimal. The best advice I got and the most help I got came from a wonderful counselor at Page Robbins Adult Care Center. She opened my eyes to the reality of where I was. She was not afraid to say what needed to be said. I will never forget the day she said to me “Your mother is worse than you think and the day is coming sooner than you think when you are going to need to make some decisions. You need a plan!” She also provided me with a book that further opened my eyes, THE 36 HOUR DAY. I sought her help again and again in the months ahead and I will be forever grateful for her being there for me.

This journey was one I never wanted to take, but God had other plans. And though it was a painful one, He taught me many things on this journey that I would not trade for anything. He blessed me in ways I never would have dreamed. He showed up for me over and over and over again. He is a good, good Father!!! He was faithful every step of the way. And when no one else could understand, He did. When I felt I could not go on, He carried me.

So I am walking in this WALK FOR ALZHEIMER'S this coming Saturday so that maybe one day, no one will ever have to watch their loved one go through what we did. I walk so that those who are on this journey can have better resources, so more doctors can be trained to help and counsel the caregivers who are desperately seeking answers for how to care for and respond to the changes in their loved one. I walk because every day I hear of someone else whose loved one is battling this disease or one of the many other forms of dementia. I walk in memory of my Mother and to honor her.

I hope YOU will join me in this fight to end this dreaded disease by going to my page at the link below and donating whatever you can....$5.00, $25.00, or more. Is there someone you know who is on this journey today? Do it for them. Every dollar matters. Thanks in advance for your contribution!! God bless you!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017



Dedicated to the family of Guy Lindsey Proctor Sr.

We attended the home-going celebration of my daughter-in-love's grandfather, Guy Lindsey Proctor, Sr. last week. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Proctor and his lovely wife, Lily, several years ago and a few times after that for just a short period of time when they would come for birthday parties. But after his health began to decline, they were no longer able to make the trip. I am sorry that I never had the opportunity to get to know him better.

When I read his obituary yesterday, I was impressed to say the least. And what I heard today at his service, just deepened by respect and admiration for him.

Mr. Proctor started his own business at the age of 20. He had a remarkable career in field of Agri Business and did a lot for the community he lived in, Forrest City, Arkansas. He even helped to start a community college after he retired! He served in several municipal capacities and was well thought of within his community.

But as impressive as that is, we learned today that he was also well known for his faith in the Lord. Each family member expressed the same sentiment to us as we expressed our condolences. “We know where he is, so we cannot be sad.” You can't have that confidence unless you know that a person really knows the Lord and they are confident of where they are going.

As I sat and listened to the words of the minister that day, I kept having one thought...what a legacy this man has left to his family!! To his 3 children....Guy Lindsey Jr., Keath and Caroline...he has left the legacy of his faith. He has walked before you and shown you the way to Jesus. He has lived before you so that you know that you know that he is with Jesus now and forever more. His faith was real, it was something that he held to and he is now passing on the banner of faith to each of you. It is yours to raise high so that all who know YOU, will know as they did about your Dad, that you are a child of the King! He has also left this legacy to his grandchildren....Guy Lindsey III and Allison. The banner is also yours to take up and to raise high so that your children will know that YOU believe in the Lord and He is what makes a difference in your life.

Mr. Proctor had an amazing life, a very productive and successful life. But none of that would matter now, if he had not had Jesus. Money, prestige, notoriety, success....all of those are just wood, hay and stubble and will disappear like a puff of smoke when the end of your life comes. But what really matters is DO YOU KNOW JESUS? Each of you can answer a resounding YES to that question regarding your father and grandfather. What a blessing that is for each of you. Today would have been a different day had you not had that assurance and peace. Although you will miss your dad and grandfather, if you know the God that He knew, you will see him again one day. This is just a short separation.

From what I heard today, I do not believe that he would want any of you to toss away his legacy which he has handed down to you, but I believe that he would say to each of you, “Lift high the banner of Jesus Christ so that all who know YOU and all who come after you will KNOW that you believe and follow Jesus Christ and lead in such a way that others who come after you will want to know and follow Him too.” This legacy is a priceless one. I hope that you realize how blessed you were to have a Dad and Grandfather like him and I pray that you each will treasure the legacy he left you by following in his footsteps and letting your light shine wherever you are and whatever you do.

When you come to the end of your life, there is no greater gift that you can leave your children and grandchildren than this.

Psalm 60:4 “You have given a banner to those who fear you that it may be displayed because of the truth.”

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Beach Musings Part 3

Some days at the beach we wake to find that there is fog so thick you can barely see the water.  It hangs like a blanket, obscuring all except that tiny sliver of beach where water meets the sand.  Just yesterday, it was clear and sunny, yet now this fog limits our view.

Often in our lives, the fog rolls in and also obscures our view.  The fog of grief, the fog of pain, the fog of uncertainty and indecision.  All of these can cause us to feel as if we've lost our moorings, as if we are lost and don't know what to do next.  

I can remember one of those times in my life when I felt like I was in a fog of uncertainty and doubt.  You see my mother was being overtaken by the fog of dementia and suddenly I was responsible for making all the decisions for her about her finances, her health, about every aspect of her life.  It was overwhelming! Being an only child, the full weight of this responsibility was on my shoulder and I was so afraid of doing the wrong thing.  My prayer life seemed to be one repeated plea, "God, help me! I don't know what to do!"  

And, of course He did.  As I prayed and cried out to Him, He led me to Psalm 32:8 and 10b "I will instruct you and show you the way to go, with My eye on you, I will give 
you counsel.....the one who trusts in the Lord will have faithful love surrounding him."  

Friend, no matter what fog you may encounter today, let me assure you that just beneath the clouds the Son is shining.  He is there for you and if you will trust Him, He will shine His light on your path and show you the way.  You will see the light breaking through and He will provide the wisdom and guidance you need to take the next step.  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


The landscapes at the beach are ever changing.  One day you may have storm clouds, dark and ominous with waves large and smashing the beach.  But, the next day you wake to find smoother waters and a sunrise painting the sky with pinks and oranges, so beautiful it rivals any painting you have ever seen!

It is much like our lives.  Things can be beautiful, calm and serene.  Life is good.  Then, suddenly, out of nowhere storms storm clouds roll in, with angry waves of turmoil and anxiety and fear that totally disrupt our lives.  Where peace had been the norm, now fear, heartache and pain become our daily companions.

But our beach landscape should also serve to remind us, that the storms do not last forever.  No matter how horrific the storm is, no matter how dark it gets as it rolls in, and no matter how much damage the storm does, it will NOT last forever and best of all....THE SUN WILL SHINE AGAIN!

Sunday, October 8, 2017


It seems that our TV has been tuned to the Weather Channel more the past few months that ever before.  We were glued to it when Hurricane Harvey was bearing down on Houston and again as Irma threatened Florida as we had friends in both places.  This past week we once more had it on almost continually as another storm was brewing in the Gulf.  This time it was was messing with our vacation!

With each storm, one thing remained the same.  The weather forecasters with all of their technology and all their knowledge could only give an educated guess as to the direction and strength of each storm .  Why?  Because the Lord alone directs the winds and the waves!

Forecasters use many models to give us their best guess of which way the storm will go and granted, they do get close.  Nate started out as just a numbered storm, then gained the name NATE.  Then it was a tropical storm and finally it gained Cat 1 status.  Friday they were saying it was losing strength and would "most likely" not become a hurricane. But as it moved through the gulf, it began to gain strength and it was deemed a Category 1.  By Saturday it was feared that it would strengthen to a Cat 2 by landfall and that was predicted first to be closer to New Orleans.  People in low lying areas of New Orleans were told to evacuate.  Emergency preparations were made with visions of Katrina playing in everyone's minds. But Saturday came, and Nate veered towards the Florida panhandle causing Gulf residents to begin to scramble to prepare.  Storm shutters were put in place, gas tanks were filled, grocery stores were filled with those coming into town for fall break trying to get groceries before the store closed.  Sidewalks were bare.  Few cars were seen and residents of the gulf coast were asked to be off the streets by 8:00 pm.  Would it be a Cat 1 or Cat 2?

The Weather Channel folks positioned themselves in Biloxi, Pensacola and Orange Beach, not sure exactly where old Nate would go.  He ended up breaking apart and coming ashore as a weak Cat 1 right at the mouth of the Mississippi River.  The winds howled and surf surged but not nearly as bad as was feared.

Once again God ruled.  Only He directs the winds and waves.  They know His name and they go where He bids.

It reminds us that we can make our plans but God is sovereign and HE ultimately will bring His plans to pass.  And it is comforting to me to know that.  God continues to show man that man is not in control that HE is.