"...always laboring fervently for you in prayer, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God." Col. 4: 12
I have always prayed for my children, even before they were born. I prayed for them to be born healthy and whole, for them to come to know the Lord at early age, for their safety, for their comfort, and even for their future mates. Somewhere along the way, after they got older, I learned the concept of praying scripture for them. God's word is inspired, true, holy and divinely appointed to give us direction, help, hope, comfort and to sustain us day by day. We know that scripture that comes from the very heart of God is God's will. Therefore, when we pray scripture, we can be assured that we are praying in the will of God. Of course, we must use that scripture within its context not make it say something God never meant it to say. But, having said that, I want to share with you today some of the verses that I have used to pray for my children over the years. I would print these out and put their names in the verse to personalize it. As circumstances changed or prayers were answered, I added some and took away others. Nothing can be more important than praying for our children, our grandchildren and even our children's spouses!!! What a privilege to daily lift those we love and cherish up to the very throne of God!!!!!!
Ps. 1:1 Please help _____ NOT to walk in the counsel of the ungodly. [Quicken his/her heart to know truth and to flee ungodly counsel] Help him/her to delight in YOUR ways.
Ps 5:8 Lead _____, O Lord, in YOUR righteousness—make his/her way straight before them.
Ps. 9:1 Cause _____ to praise You with his/her whole heart and demonstrate all your marvelous works.
Ps. 17:3 May _____ purpose that his/her mouth will not transgress.
Ps. 17: 8 Keep _____ as the apple of your eye, hide him/her under the shadow of your wings; 13: Arise, oh Lord, disappoint [their enemies…those who seek to pull them away from you], cast them down, deliver their souls from the wicked.
Ps. 18:32 Gird _____ with strength and make his/her way perfect.
Ps 19: 3 Cleanse _____ from secret faults.
Ps. 25:4,5 Show _____ YOUR ways…teach him/her YOUR path, lead him/her in truth…remember not the sins of his/her youth; 21: Let integrity and uprightness preserve him/her.
Ps. 32:8 Instruct ____ and teach him/her in the way he/she should go.
Ps. 34 Keep _____'s tongue from evil and ____'s lips from speaking perversely, help him/her to depart from evil and do good.
Ps. 35: 4,5 Let them be confounded who seek after ____ [to pull him/her down] let them be turned back and brought to confusion…LET THE ANGEL OF THE LORD CHASE THEM AWAY!!!
Ps. 37:3 Help ____ to trust in you and do good. 4: May he/she delight in you so that you will give him/her the desires of their heart. 5: Help him/her to commit his/her way to you…to rest in you and wait patiently. 8: Cause ____ to cease from anger and forsake wrath and not to do evil in any way. 23: Order ____'s steps in your way…uphold him/her with your hand.
27: Cause ____ to depart from evil and do good. 40: Deliver ____ O Lord from the wicked and save them!
Ps 38:18 Help ____ to be sorry for his/her sin and to repent [make their conscience sensitive.]
Ps 56:3 When ____ is afraid, Lord, may he/she trust in you.
Ps. 59:2 Deliver ___ from the workers of iniquity. {Pull them toward godly relationships}
Ps. 90:14 Oh satisfy ____ NOW Lord while he/she is young that he/she may rejoice and be glad in you all the rest of his/her life.
PS. 91 May ____ dwell under the shadow of your wings. Be their refuge and fortress. Deliver him/her from the snares of the [enemy]. Cover him/her with your feathers and may truth be his/her shield. Let no evil befall____…put your angels around him/her and keep him/her safe in all of his/her ways…Satisfy ____ with long life and [give him/her joy in his/her salvation.]
Ps. 97:10 Cause ____ to HATE evil!
Ps. 101:2,3 Help ____ behave wisely and walk within his/her home with a perfect heart. Cause him/her to set no wicked thing before his/her eyes.
Ps. 119:2 May ____ keep your word and seek you with his/her WHOLE HEART.
Ps. 119:36 Incline ____'s heart to your word. 37: Turn his/her eyes away from worldliness and direct him/her in YOUR way. 63: GIVE ____ COMPANIONS WHO LOVE & FEAR THEE!!!
Ps. 119: 66 Teach ____ good judgment and knowledge.
Ps 119:101 Refrain ____'s feet from every evil way…help him/her keep your word.
Ps 119:105 Make your way a lamp unto ____'s feet and a light unto his/her path.
Ps 119: 133 Order ____'s steps in your word and let not iniquity have dominion over him/her..…deliver him/her from the oppressor of men.
Ps. 133: 1 Help us to dwell together [as a family] in unity.
Ps. 139:5 Enclose _____ behind and before and lay your hand upon him/her.
Ps. 140:1 Deliver____from evil men…preserve him/her from the [ungodly].
Ps. 144: 11 Rid ____ of strange [friends] whose mouths speak ungodliness and their right hand is falsehood that ____ may be like healthy plants grown up from their youth [that their foundations will be strong and they will have deep roots in the ways of the Lord.]
21 hours ago
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