Thursday, November 15, 2007


As Thanksgiving is one week from today, I'd like to focus a little on what I am thankful for....



The Gaithers used to sing a song entitled "The Longer I Serve Him, the Sweeter He Grows". I think that could become my anthem. I have found that He continually reveals new aspects of His character to me and each one is more precious than the last. I wrote that, another song just came to my mind...a song I have not sung in years and years!

Evey day with Jesus
Is sweeter than the day before
Every day with Jesus,
I love Him more and more.
Jesus saves and keeps me
And He's the One I'm living for...
Every day with Jesus
Is sweeter than the day before.
Such truth! And just like Him bringing that song to my mind at just the precise moment I was writing is just one example of how PERSONAL my God is! I think lately that has been the single most important thing that I have learned about Him. He truly is my best friend! He is with me moment by moment of every day. He hears the cries of my heart and He responds. He guides me. He protects me. He ministers to me. He reveals Himself to me in a thousand different ways. He is nearer than breathing, closer than hands and feet! I cannot imagine my life without Him and I am SO grateful to Him for loving someone like me. And, not only loving me, but dying for me so that I could have eternal life!
Some 37 years ago, God brought two unlikely teenagers together in a Guidance Office (we were the "helpers") and three years later they were married! I am SO blessed to be married to a Godly, hard-working country boy who still loves me after all these years! I am honored to be his wife and proud to bear his name because he is a man of integrity and character. I talk to women all the time who are in relationships that have caused them great grief. They are not loved or cherished, protected or cared for. I do not take that for granted. God has blessed me and I am SO thankful!!
Out of that union, God blessed us with two precious children who are the joy of my life! How grateful I am to God for giving us both a son and a daughter, for I've gotten the pleasure of both worlds. Our son is a hard worker just like his dad and shares his passion for deer hunting. What joy it gives me to see the two of them heading off into the woods together. It takes me back to when he was a little boy. He and his dad would head out for the day in Dad's old blue pick-up truck, son standing beside his dad on the seat, with his arm around Dad's neck. (Yes, I know that was terribly dangerous and he should have been in a carseat, but it was an OLD truck which did not have seat-belts!) I can see that picture in my mind's eye as clearly as if it were today. It brought tears to my eyes then; it still does today.
Our daughter is a neonatal intensive care nurse. Babies have been her passion since she was a little girl. She has a gift when it comes to children! She also has a heart for the Lord...a keen God-awareness that blesses my heart! She is the mother of my granddaughter and it has brought me immense joy to see her as a mother! She is so much better at it than I ever was.
God doubled our blessings when He brought our children's life partners to them. I count my blessings every day to have the daughter-in-love and son-in-love that I have! They have not only been a blessing to our children, but also to our family. They are each an answer to prayer.
And, finally, there is our precious granddaughter. She is such a joy and delight to both of our lives! Her smile lights up a room and she truly is "the sunshine of my life". She is beautiful, adorable, sweet, funny, busy as a bee and I could kiss her face off!! I guess you get the picture.
Those are just a few of my blessings! More tomorrow!
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your blessings
See what God has done.

Vice President Cheney says Flag Recitation with References to God, OK

Vice President Cheney stated in a speech at the Indiana War Memorial, that a September 27th Veterans Administration directive prohibiting honor guards from using references to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" and to the "Father, Son and Holy Ghost," was a mistake by the "federal bureaucracy." The Vice President said that a flag-folding recitation with religious references can be part of military funerals at the nation's 125 veterans cemeteries. The September 27th order prohibited the references to God as part of the flag folding ceremony and created a storm of protest from around the country. Thousands of concerned citizens contacted the ACLJ expressing outrage over the VA's actions.

Faulting “the federal bureaucracy” for what he called a “confusing order." The Vice President assured the American Legion that its honor guards at military funerals can include the recitation in “any service where the family requests it.”

We are pleased with the resolution of this matter. (American Center for Law & Justice)

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