When Sherwood Baptist Church decided to reach their Georgia community by making a movie, they never dreamed the direction that God would end up taking them! They made a movie, entitled FLYWHEEL for less than $20,000 and it so impacted their community and others who saw it, that they decided to invest a little more and do a little higher quality movie. Hence the production of FACING THE GIANTS, which was an immediate hit at the box office. Finally, a Christian movie that depicted real people, in real life situations, handling things according to the Word of God! How refreshing!
Now their latest production is being released with quite a bit of fanfare tomorrow night....FIREPROOF, the latest in Sherwood's productions features former Growing Pains actor, Kirk Cameron and is sure to be not only a hit, but a means that God will use to transform the lives of many families across this country! It is one you do NOT want to miss.
I hope you will take the time to read the information below on this movie. You will find it an added blessing as you watch the movie and be sure to tell a friend or co-worker about it today. Urge them to see it, or....better yet....take them with you! May God bless you as you go to see it and may God bless Sherwood Baptist Church and all who were involved in bringing us this Christ-honoring movie!!!!!!!!!!!
Behind the scenes of 'Fireproof'
OneNewsNow - 9/25/2008 9:00:00 AM
Interested in knowing some of the "behind the scenes" stories surrounding the making of Fireproof, the latest movie from Sherwood Pictures? Interviews with Alex and Stephen Kendrick, actors Kirk Cameron and Erin Bethea, even the head makeup artist -- and stories about how God showed up numerous times in the making of the film, which opens in theaters on Friday, September 26.
Behind the scenes of Fireproof, Take 1
Behind the scenes of Fireproof, Take 2
Look for our review of Fireproof on Friday, Sept. 26