"Lord....I come seeking you today with all my heart. Lord, I am so unworthy, such a sinful human being, yet you still love me!! How grateful I am for that!!
Thank you for the years that You have walked with me. Thank you for your faithfulness to me throughout my life. You have never failed me. You have never left my side for one second.
Lord, I long to be obedient to you. Help me. I am so weak. I am so unable in my own strength to BE obedient. I need you. I want to follow you with wholehearted obedience, to yield my will to yours. Help me to seek more of YOU in my life and not just Your activity. Tune my ears to hear Your voice above all others. Make it plain. Give me the courage to follow You...NO MATTER WHAT. Help me to say YES to You and NO to the world. Remind me daily, it's NOT about ME!!!
Thank You for the thousands of prayers You've answered for me, for the outpouring of Your mercy and grace to me more times than I can possibly count and none of which I deserved.
Thank You for the beautiful sunrises You've painted for me, the brilliant hues of pink and lavender and orange against a backdrop of blue. For the days when the clouds were so pure and white against the sky that they screamed Your name! For the sunny days that beckoned me outside to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and for the birds who sang me a song to lift my spirits and remind me that You care for them so how much MORE You care for ME! Thank You for the millions of ways You bless me daily with Your presence just to show Yourself to me and to remind me once more "I LOVE YOU MY CHILD".
Oh God, today, the cry of my heart is MORE OF YOU and LESS OF ME!! Hear me O God , I pray.... In Jesus' name....Amen."
19 hours ago
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