If you are in the baby days and feel as if you are being buried in a mountain of diapers and long for a full night's sleep....
If you are in the season of terrible twos and threes, and feel like you are losing your mind......
If you are in the whirlwind of school days when the activities, book reports, science projects and ballgames seem never ending.....
If you have a teenager and you are ready to pull the last strand of your hair out....
Read the last journal entry from a Caring Bridge website written by the mother of a little 4 year old boy in Olive Branch, Mississippi. I think your perspective on your situation, however trying it may be right now, will change.
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to give you all the update from out test results today. Turner's cancer has returned yet again. The two areas that we just finished radiation on, his cheek bone and above his right eye, have started to grow again, along with the new area under his jaw bone. So, Keith and I met with our two doctors today and had a discussion regarding Turner's treatment. He will no longer have treatment for his disease. We were told today that it will be almost impossible for Turner to be cured. So, after great discussion between Keith and I and with the agreement of our doctors, we feel that quality of life is the most important thing for Turner and our family now.
Turner will go in for visits every couple of weeks or so or until he starts to show signs of discomfort. He will be given oral pain meds as long as they will work for him. After that point, he will need to have a port put in so that he can get IV pain meds. At that time any further care needed will be given in our home. One of our doctors has requested if she can be our at home doctor and we are thankful for that, since she knows our exact situation
No words can express our sadness right now. We are thankful that Turner is still feeling very well and seems to be his happy self. Most importantly we are thankful to have been chosen to be Turner's parents. We hope you all know that your continued prayers, love, and support have been so greatly appreciated. As Turner's doctor once told me, prayer is the most powerful medicine. So, we will not stop.
Love, Sarah

We have been praying for Turner for months, praying for a miracle. Our God is a miracle working God. He healed Jairus's daughter. He healed the blind and made the lame to walk. He spoke and they were healed. He raised the dead. He IS able. He is the Great Physician.
So we continue to pray for Turner even though it appears that this horrible disease is quickly overtaking his little body. God WILL heal this precious child. He will either do a tremendous miracle and raise him up here on earth, or He will take him home to Heaven where Jesus will meet him with open arms and he will dance with the angels.
Turner will be healed if God takes him home, but his parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles and all those who love him, will be left with a huge hole in their hearts. God will comfort and heal them, too, but it will take time.
But for today as you look at your child or grandchild.....remember Turner. Hug yours a little tighter today and thank God for them, even on the difficult days. For in Olive Branch there is a momma and a daddy who will be thinking today each time they hug Turner, "How many hugs do I have left?"
We take what we have so for granted. Our health, our children's health, our time spent with them. We rush from activity to activity much like a storybook I read to my granddaughter "run, rush, chase and scramble". We don't stop very often to really drink in the moments...the precious moments we have with those we love.
So today...for Turner and his mom and dad....cherish your moments. And breath a prayer for Turner and his family. We need to storm Heaven on his behalf. It is not too late. God can still work a miracle! We will not give up trusting in Him for He is abundantly able.
Please pass this as a prayer request to your prayer lists. You may check out Turner's story at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/turnerlee/mystory
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