It seems that the older I get, the slower I get and the less I get done. It is VERY frustrating!! My TO DO list is from here to Texas and no hope of ever getting it all done. Not just the needful things, of which there are many, but also the "want to do's", the little projects that I have in mind and really would like to do as soon as I find the time.
A few years ago when I began this blog, I fully intended to write it every day. And, I did for a while. Then it seemed that life just got busier and busier and I began to skip a day here and there. Then it became weeks and often even months. I enjoyed doing it and hoped that it was a blessing to others as well, yet the time to devote to it seem to elude me.
I joined our church's Christian Writer's Circle with great intentions and hopes of one day publishing something, a dream I've had since I was a little girl. But, it was not long until the reality hit me that that was one dream that would most likely never happen . Still, I enjoyed writing the blog, so I continued.
The intention of this blog has never been about me. It has always been my hope that it would be a source of encouragement and blessing to someone, even just one person. My passion in life is to point others to my Savior, Jesus Christ, to help them come to the realization that He loves them and to understand just how awesome it is to have a relationship with Him. It is not about religion but relationship!! And He is such a personal God. He cares about every detail of our lives.
In recent weeks, I've been approached by several people who have asked me "Why are you not writing your blog any more?" Surprised, I came to realize that maybe more people were reading than I knew. So it is with great joy that I attempt to begin again.
I hope that you will be blessed!
19 hours ago
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