Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
I guess that was my first experience of kneeling in prayer. After I grew up, I continued to pray, not "canned" prayers or recited ones, but from my heart. I can't say I was ever taught that...guess I just picked up how from listening to others at church pray.
As an adult there have been some times that I knelt to pray. It seems the more serious we get in prayer, the more our posture gets low. I can remember reading Kay Arthur's testimony years ago. She talked of lying prostrate on her face before God. That was new to me. I had never done that. More recently, we have had Bible teacher, Angela Thomas, at our church. She spoke of getting face down in the carpet quite often. And I have learned to do that a few times myself, again, more in times of deepest need.
It's in those times of bowing our knees or lying face down in our carpet, that we are humbled. We are brought low before a righteous and a holy God. It puts us in our place, if you will. And somehow, the more on our face we are, the more humbled we become, the nearer we feel to Him. Because then we are in a position that we have to look UP to Him.
At our church, we get on our knees every Sunday.
Funny thing is, at our former church, they also did that, but I was not raised to do that. It felt odd. Sad, isn't it, that getting on my knees in God's house felt "odd", but it did. And there, some people did and some didn't. But where we are at church now, there is scarcely a person who does not bow, and most of them are because they can't for physical reasons. And, you know what? It doesn't seem odd any more. It feels right.
God has blessed me with an added bonus of being able to worship with our daughter and son-in-love most Sundays. And to be able to bow with them and to see them bowing before the Lord together blesses this momma more than words can express.
May I ask you who are reading this....when was the last time YOU bowed your knee before the Lord? Maybe you do it on a regular basis, or maybe you never have. That is not to say that you don't pray, but you just don't bow. I certainly believe you can "bow" in your heart in an attitude of worship and humility. But, I can tell you firsthand that there is something powerful and humbling by actually bending the knee before the Father.
Maybe you don't bow because it really isn't important to you. You acknowledge that there is a God. Maybe you even pray occasionally when you get in a jam. But most days, you really do not think that much about Him. Or maybe you don't bow because you do NOT believe. Maybe you think that any god will do as long as you believe in something or someone.
But you need to know that one day, EVERY knee will bow to God the Father.
"Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." Isaiah 45: 22, 23Did you catch that word in red? EVERY!!
That includes every person who reads this blog.
Every person on Facebook.
Every person in the U. S.
Every person around the world.
Yes, EVERY person past, present and future.....including:
Billy Graham
Tim Tebow
Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich
President Obama
Martin Luther King
Mother Theresa
Christopher Columbus
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
George Wilkes Booth
The list is endless because it says "EVERY" knee. That also includes you and me.
So you see, whether we ever find time to bow now or not. Whether we ever think it is important or not. Whether we have ever even THOUGHT about it before or day, "EVERY knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father." Romans 14:11
If you have never bowed your knee to the Father, I pray that you will today. Personally, I want my knees to be so used to bowing that when that time before the Father comes when ALL knees are bowed, that it will not feel "odd", but it will feel more like coming home as I bow before MY Heavenly Father.
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