Life is hard. That's a fact. Ups and downs. Upheavals. Broken relationships. Heartache and more.
The children of Israel knew all about hardship. They had known years of hard labor at the hands of the Egyptians. They had trekked in the desert for 40 years. They ate the same meal for years. YET, God never left them nor forsook them...not for one moment. No, rather He hovered over them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The Shekinah glory Himself, watching over His treasured possession.
The same God who watched over the Israelites and took them through the Red Sea and across the Jordan River....
The same God who marched them around the walls of Jericho for 7 days and on the 7th brought it all down with one shout....
The same God who promised to make them a great nation...
The same God who made promise after promise and has kept EVERY SINGLE ONE....
That God is with me today.
And even when it's hard, I will trust Him.
When my heart aches, I will trust Him.
When my prayers go unanswered, I will still trust Him.
When no one understands, I will trust Him.
When I don't understand, I will trust Him.
When there seem to be no answers, I will trust Him.
When things don't turn out the way I'd hoped, I will trust Him.
When I am disappointed, I will trust Him.
When I can't SEE Him working, I will believe that He is, and I will trust Him.
When I fail AGAIN, I will trust Him.
When I don't know what to do, I will trust Him.
He is MY God, my refuge and my strength, my strong High Tower, the lover of my soul and I will trust Him because He has claimed me as His own and He has promised He will never leave me, He will never let me down or let me go. And....I trust Him.
19 hours ago
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