Friday, August 17, 2012


The pain of the anguished heart is deep. It is a cutting pain, one that sears and threatens to take the very breath of life away.

Hatred and rejection are the knives that drive deep into the heart, cutting so deeply that the blood of heartbreak flows freely. How could something cause such searing pain and not be tangible? Yet the pain is as real as the slicing away of an appendage of the body without anesthetic.

Why would one human being choose to inflict this kind of anguish on another? It is not random. It is not accidental. No, but rather deliberate, calculated and enjoyed by the perpetrator. It almost seems to produce a sense of satisfaction to that one who is inflicting this pain upon its subject.

Jesus was acquainted with grief in all points like we are (Heb. 14: 15). Isaiah also tells us that Jesus was a man of sorrows “despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. (Is 53:3). Yes Jesus knew a lot about the anguished heart.

It humbles me and deeply moves me that He would willingly endure such grief and heartache in order to reach me. I've often thought about how He bore the nails for me, but have never given much thought to how he endured the rejection, being despised, and hated, just for me. He knew the meaning of an anguished heart. For the rest of the verse in Isaiah says “we hid as it were our faces from Him; he was despised and we esteemed Him not.”

So only Jesus can understand the anguished heart. He alone can identify with one who is suffering from the blows of rejection and being despised. But He does. He knows. He understands. He cares. He has not left us alone to bear these burdens. He invites us to “cast all our cares on Him, for He cares for us.”

Furthermore, His love is not like human love. It does not end. It is everlasting, eternal, infinite, unconditional. Though we may be hated, despised, or rejected by those in this life, God will NEVER give up on us, nor reject us, nor ever, ever ,ever stop loving us!!!!!!!!!!!!

This song expresses it so well............

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