One June 24 I posted on this blog a story about a rose bush I transplanted from my Mother's house. It had appeared that it was never going to make it, then one day, miraculously, leaves began to sprout and soon it was a healthy, plant with multiple leaves, green and growing.
Today I am happy to share with you IT BLOOMED!!!
I had been watching it almost daily to see if it would put out a bud. And then I saw it, a tiny white bud nestled beneath the top leaves. What a joy it was to watch it as each day it opened a little more. That which I had prayed for was finally becoming a reality.
I think too often we give up on God coming through for us. We live in a day of "instant everything"....instant messaging, instant coffee, express pay, express check out, etc. We want answers from God in the same way...instantly. But God does not work that way, at least not most of the time.
Isaiah 30:18 says "Therefore will the Lord wait that He may be gracious to you and therefore will HE be exalted, that He will have mercy upon you....blessed are they who wait on Him."
Notice that He desires to be gracious to us. I confess, when I am waiting on His answers, it doesn't feel very gracious. But notice too, that it is not about us. It is about HIM being exalted. Just like waiting on the rose to sprout and bloom. In the waiting, it forced me to keep calling on Him again and again, drawing me back to Him. My efforts of watering and fertilizing were OK, but I knew that if this rose was going to survive and bloom again it would be strictly up to Him. In the end, He brought this tender rose to life and blessed me just as the verse above says.
David prayed diligently to the Lord and sometimes he got weary of God's delays or slow responses to his pleas. Psalm 83:1 says "God, do not keep silent. Do not be deaf, God. Do not be idle." I sometimes feel that way, too, don't you? Psalm 109:1 "God of my praise, do not be silent."
But Jeremiah 29:12 reminds us that God DOES listen to our prayers, "You will call to Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you."
In Luke Chapter 1 we learn that Zechariah and Elizabeth were up in years and yet still had no children. But when the angel of the Lord appears to Zechariah to tell him he is about to become a father, he says "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard." Now it doesn't tell us how long he had been praying, but one can surmise that it had been YEARS since they were old and still had no children. But evidently Zechariah had continued to pray, not giving up hope. And, God heard his prayer, and in HIS TIME....he answered it and John was born.
There are many instances in the Bible where individuals had to wait a long time for God to act or to answer a specific prayer. But the emphasis should not be on the length of time, but on the fact that God DOES answer prayer! He IS working even when we cannot SEE Him working. He is orchestrating details, moving in people's lives through circumstances, through people, through many different things until everything falls into place that sets the stage for God to bring it all to fruition and for HIS ULTIMATE GLORY!
So when I begin to get discouraged that God is taking too long answering my requests, I hope I will look no further than the beautiful white rose blooming in my garden to remember His faithfulness and His goodness to answer when I call.
19 hours ago
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