God is...........
A sun and a shield - Ps 84: 11 He is my guiding light and my protector.
Full of compassion, gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy - Ps 86: 15 He is tenderhearted toward us, patient and never short on grace and mercy, even when we do not deserve it.
My defense - Ps 89:18 He runs interference for me. He shields me from the offense of the enemy.
the Almighty - Prov 91:1 There is none higher than Him.
Rock of my refuge - Ps 94: 22 - My feet are planted on Him, not on shifting sand.
Our Maker - Ps 95:6 He is our creator. We did not evolve. He formed us in our mother's womb.
Holy - Ps 99:5 He is divine, perfect and worthy of honor and praise.
Good - Ps 100: 5 His very nature is goodness and He is good TO us.
the God of my praise - Ps 109: 1 No one but God is worthy of my praise.
on my side - Ps 118: 6 If God be for me who can be against me?
My keeper and the shade upon my right hand Ps 121: 5 God holds my hand.
My high tower - Ps 144:2 I can run to him for safety from the enemy. I am always safe with him.
21 hours ago
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