Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007

I can remember the scene so well. It is as if it is captured on video in my mind. It was a small, modestly furnished living room with a wood burning stove. He sat in a blue rocking chair that had a pattern in the velvet like fabric. We spent many hours together in that chair, watching Amos n' Andy and Queen for a Day. I was his baby and he was my uncle, though I often called him "my savior", because he was often "saving" me from my aunt. Now don't misunderstand, she was precious, too. But if I did something wrong, or got in her way, she would get aggravated with me and come after me with the broom, all the while pretending to be mad, and I would jump into his arms. He would wrap me up tightly in his arms and as she would swat at me with the broom, his hands would move in whatever direction he neeeded to protect me. I knew I was always SAFE with him and I knew I was loved.

When I am hurt or anxious or afraid, in my mind I run to Jesus, my "Abba", and he scoops me up in His arms of love and protects me from whatever is threatening me. Sometimes I just need to cry on his shoulder and pour out my heart to Him. He always listens. He always cares. He is never too busy. He is never preoccupied with someone else's problems. He knows me like no one knows me. When I can't talk to anyone else, I can always talk to Him. So I crawl up in His lap and like my loving and kind uncle, He holds me and comforts me. In His arms I know I am safe. I am His child. He knows me by name. There is a song that has a chorus that says:

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call....

WHO do you run to when you are hurting or alone or in need of a Friend? Our earthly friends are wonderful and I treasure mine as precious gifts. But they can't always be there. Sometimes they let us down and sometimes the hurt is too great to share with anyone else but Jesus. Sometimes, no one but Jesus would really understand. Run to Him today. Crawl up in His lap and pour out your heart to Him. He is always there. His arms are open wide. Cry out to Him as David did :

"I poured out my complaint to Him
I showed Him my trouble
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me
Then thou knewest my path.

I looked on my right hand and behold,
but there was no man that would know me
Refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.
I cried unto Thee, O Lord
I said, "Thou art my refuge and my portion
in the land of the Living
Attend unto my cry
for I am brought very low

Hear my prayer O Lord
give ear to my supplications
In thy faithfulness, answer me
and in Thy righteousness.

My spirit is overwhelmed within me
My heart within me is desolate,
Hear me speedily, O Lord
my spirit fails
Hide not they face from me
Lest I be ilke them that go down into the pit.
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning

Blessed be the Lord, my strength...
My goodness, my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer
My shield and He in whom I trust.

---Psalm 142, 143 selected

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