As the shepherds came to the manger, do you suppose they brought anything with them? Scripture does not indicate that they did. It tells us what gifts the wise men brought, but it does not mention that the shepherds brought anything. They were poor. They had nothing to bring but a sheep. Manger scenes that you buy today usually have shepherds with sheep. Yet I do not really think that the shepherds brought a lamb to the Lamb of God. I think they came empty handed. I think they came with one thought in mind…to worship at the feet of the Messiah!
Maybe that is how we should approach Him this Christmas. Maybe we should come to him empty handed and just worship. We try too often, I’ m afraid, to impress Him with our "good works", our false humility and our fancy prayers. But all Jesus wants from us is to give Him ourselves. He wants us to hold nothing back from Him, to yield ourselves wholly and completely to Him.
I remember some years ago attending a conference at a local church. The evening had concluded with a speaker…a missionary who had been imprisoned for her faith. It was very moving and I couldn’t help but wonder as I listened to her would my faith be as strong as hers were I placed in the same position she had been. Then came the finale of the program. A huge throne was revealed on stage…a regal throne complete in its splendor. A small lamb rested in the seat of the throne and as the music "Behold the Lamb" played, dozens of "angels" came down the aisle and laid crowns at the feet of the throne. I don’t believe I have ever been more moved as I saw before me a scene that would one day play out in actuality in Heaven, as "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!" .
The only gift that we can bring to the Savior is ourselves. He wants us to yield ourselves to Him. He does not want part of us, He wants all of us. And when we come to worship Him, we need to bow, fully recognizing that we have nothing to bring. It’s not about us----it’s about Him. It’s not about what we can DO for Him….it’s about what He’s already DONE!!!! If you have never given your heart to Jesus…I pray you will do that today. He was the ultimate CHRISTMAS gift, but the gift that you can give Him is your heart. If you have never done that and would like to know more about how you can, please call 1-888-NEEDHIM. Someone is available 24 hours a day to share with you how you can have the best Christmas ever! If you have already given Him your heart, I pray you will just bow before Him today and worship Him and thank God for sending you such a GIFT!
16 hours ago
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