Have you ever been just going along, doing what you do day after day and suddenly out of nowhere…BAM! ….Something happens that totally changes your world forever?! It blindsided you, you were not seeking it, you were not anticipating it. Maybe it was a good thing or maybe it was the worst thing that has ever happened to you. But everything in your life led you to that specific moment.
A few years ago that happened to our daughter on her way home from college. Her path crossed with a young man and her life was forever changed. I have often thought, what would have happened that day if she had left college for home just 5 minutes earlier or later? What would have happened if he had not forgotten an important piece of paper and had to return home to get it? But, you see, God had a plan that neither of them was privy to…at least not the details. But in His perfect time, He orchestrated their meeting and now they are husband and wife, and parents to a precious gift, their daughter.
For Mary and Joseph, they were going about life in their village, doing all the ordinary everyday things of life. They had met, become betrothed and were anticipating their final stage of the marriage process in the near future. We mentioned yesterday that they had to have hearts perfect toward God, hearts willing and open and obedient to His leading. What if they had not? What if somewhere along the way they had gotten off track, got caught up in the world or in themselves? I believe if that had happened, that God would have chosen someone else and they would have missed being a part of a miracle…a part of history…. A part of the greatest event ever…a part of changing things for all eternity!!
What have you missed because you were off track? What blessing did God want to give you, but you were too busy with your self…your plans….your agenda? What has God wanted to do THROUGH you but you were not available? Can you imagine if you missed being the mother of Jesus!! It certainly was not an easy job and her heart would be broken again and again as she watched her Son grow up, endure ridicule and finally torture and crucifixion. But I have no doubt in my mind, that she would not have traded being his mother for anything in the world!!
Today….think about where your focus is today. Where is God in your priority list? Would you say that you have a heart like Mary or Joseph? Is your heart "perfect toward Him"? Are you available for whatever He calls you to do or wherever He calls you to go whether it is
Across the room……….
Down the street…………
Across the country…………
Or around the world??????
Are you available?
Are you willing?
Are you seeking?
Are you listening?
Are you tuned in to His Spirit?
Whose voice are you listening to?
Who plans your day?
Have you talked with Him today?
Have you opened His word and sought a word from Him?
Do a heart check today……..don’t miss a blessing! God may want to change your world FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 hours ago
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