Tom Brady, renowned quarterback of the undefeated New England Patriots, is a superstar by anyone's definition. He will be leading his team as they go up against the New York Giants in the Super Bowl in 2 weeks. He is a household name to many.
I'm sure there are many young men who would give anything to be him. After all he has it all...........
Yes, it certainly would appear that Tom has it ALL. But appearances can be deceiving. In a recent interview, Tom himself lamented that he had it all and he SHOULD be of the happiest guys in the world. Yet, he feels there has to be more. He just can't figure out what it is!
Well, Tom, I wish I had your phone number because I could tell you what IT is! It is JESUS! As I heard a woman put it just last week, there is a "GOD HOLE" in each of us and no one and nothing else can fill it but Him! It's like trying to fit a round peg into a square just won't fit!
Tom has tried to fill his GOD HOLE with success, fame, money and all the toys it can buy, popularity, beautiful women, career, and who knows what else. But those things do not fit the hole. Only God can fill that void within him. Only God can fill that void in each of us!
So as Tom takes the field on February 3rd, please be praying for him. Not that he'll win the super bowl, but that he will find something much more precious than a super bowl ring. Pray that he will find JESUS!!!
19 hours ago
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