How would you feel if you opened your INBOX this morning and found a message from God that read "YOUR ACCOUNT [debt] HAS BEEN CANCELLED"? Every sin you have ever committed erased. Every ugly or hateful or vulgar word you ever spoke, deleted. Every immoral thought you ever had, forgotten. How would you feel?
I got that email this morning....not from God, of course, but from a website that I had cancelled. Yet those words just hit me in the face! That is what is written across my life. Not because of my goodness or because of anything I have done. But rather, because of what JESUS has done! He paid a debt He did not owe because I owed a debt I could not pay! And across my account in His books are written the words YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. And the wonderful thing is, it is cancelled for all eternity!!!
You see Jesus paid the debt that I could not pay at Calvary when He died on the cross. My sin had sentenced me to death. But Jesus took my place. Though perfect and sinless Himself, He took my place. He died the death, paid the price, that I should have paid. And by believing what He did, putting my faith in Him that the debt IS paid, and receiving the life....eternal life....that He has offered to me, I am FREE!!
Today Jesus offers the same to anyone who will receive what He is offering. There is nothing....hear me.....NOTHING that God won't forgive. He offers this free gift of eternal life to anyone who will accept it. He will cleanse you...wipe your slate clean and write across your account PAID IN FULL.
If you want to know more, contact me by clicking on the COMMENT button below or call 1-800-NEEDHIM.
19 hours ago
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