I want to wish a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to 3 very special guys!!!!!!!!!
First, to my sweet husband and the father of our two wonderful children. What an amazing Dad he has been! His Dad died when he was in high school, so he did not get the benefit of having his Dad for very long. Yet he was committed to being the best Dad possible! He was a "hands on" Dad from the beginning, encouraging me to have natural childbirth so he could be present. (That was a pretty new concept at the time). He never minded changing diapers, walking the floor or doing whatever needed to be done. He spent as much time as possible with them when they were little. When they got into sports, he was ALWAYS there! He coached our son's ball teams and was present for every piano recital and cheerleading competition that our daughter participated in. That was not easy because he often had to swap shifts with someone, or work 16 hours just to do that. But the important thing to him was to BE THERE!!!!!!!!! He continues to be there for them whenever they call and now he is the most wonderful PAPAW around!:) He loves his granddaughter and enjoys taking her to see the ducks and helping her catch lightening bugs. He is a godly man who loves His Lord and we are SO thankful that God has blessed our family with him.
Next, I want to wish a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to our son. His baby is "on the way"....due in December!! So he probably does not FEEL like a Dad yet, but he is. He's had a good role model so I know that he's going to be a GREAT Dad!! He's already been an adoring uncle so he's had a little practice. Yet he has no idea how much his life is about to change and he will not believe the feelings that are going to come over him like a river when he first holds that little angel. May God bless you, Son, as you prepare for this wondrous miracle in your life!!!!!!!!!
And last, but not least, I want to wish a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my favorite son-in-love. Our family has been so blessed to have this young man become a part of our family. He is a blessing to each one of us. He is a terrific father and his daughter adores her Daddy. He is a man who is seeking to live his life walking with the Lord and to teach his daughter about her Heavenly Father. I am SO grateful for that!!!!! He,too, is a "hands-on" Dad and is doing a marvelous job! May God bless you today, Josh, and may you continue to seek to walk in such a way that every step will lead your daughter straight to the Savior!
In closing, however, I want to draw our attention to THE Father of all FATHERS.......GOD!!! I would like to share a passage from a book titled "WHAT IS THE FATHER LIKE" by Phillip Keller:
Savior…is my supreme title in all the universe.
From my perspective, this means I am He who delivers…sets free. I emancipate you fully from the dilemmas in which you live. I am the Savior, who alone can loose you from all the difficulties and distress of your human condition.
I can set you free from
Deception in the world
Snares of your Enemy
The guilt of past misdeeds
The Grip of sin in your daily life
Enslavement to your self
The regrets of wasted years.
I can set you free from an empty, hollow life, to live with me in profound purpose and superb peace of soul.
The so-called wise ones of the world, and the devil himself---these will oppose all I tell you. But be of good courage! I come to you with clear guidance and wonderful wisdom established in my Word to you. I am the One who saves you daily from wrong decisions; from subtle deception spawned by the world system; from the delusion of your archenemy; from your own self-deception.
To save…I have given you my Word. You will find absolute truth and sure solutions there.
Spend time meditating upon my clear instructions to you. Take them seriously. Act on them deliberately. Comply with my wishes for you. You will be amazed how, through my Word, I save you from your dilemmas and safeguard you from endless difficulties.
The same saving power is at work to deliver you from the guilt caused by the misdeeds of your past. No man, no woman is without a past…The mistakes of youth, the vanity of glory-seeking, the hungry pursuit of empty pleasures, the unrestrained fantasies and outrageous behavior, the sowing of "wild oats"---all of it stains the soul, corrupts the character, defiles the body. And no one is exempt from these human experiences! Some may pretend to be perfect---but they are living behind a façade. They insist they have no need of a Savior.
On the other hand, when you turn to me in genuine remorse because of your misconduct…I am a strong deliverer! The moment you cry out, "Be merciful to me a sinner!" I begin to respond…
I, the Friend of sinners, speak sweet solace to your spirit: "My son…my daughter…be at peace. Your sins are forgiven!"
As your Savior, my infinite grace pours out to set you free from guilt…free to follow me in gratitude. Learning to live in freedom is the seal of your salvation. For as your Savior, I am committed to you—at work to re-create you in character and conduct. I am able to construct something new and strong and worthwhile from a destructive past. I am able to bring the brightest light of joy where there has been darkest despair. I redeem all the empty, pointless pursuits of your past. Instead of the wretched harvest fields that the locusts of lawless behavior have ruined, I birth in you new life…with bountiful years ahead!!
All this is possible because I come to reside with you and in you. I transform, reshape and re-create a new character in you, akin to my own character. This new growth occurs day by day as you quietly allow my character to work in you.
All I ask from you, my child, is your calm compliance with my simple commands. Carry them out quietly and you will find supreme contentment. Trust me to work wonders in your life---I always do!
You will be astonished to find you really are free…not only from the futility of your old life, but also from the folly of your old self and your self-centeredness.
Being saved from the dreadful despair of self preoccupation is a glorious deliverance. Most people do not realize they are indeed their own worst enemy. They are so chained to their own desires. They do not understand how they struggle to satisfy their own selfish impulses. They labor under the load of self-gratification---an unrelenting bondage.
Over and over, I invite the worn and weary to come to me and find rest for their souls…along with new zest for abundant living.
I am the Savior who says, "I long to live my life in you day by day. You must determine to live out your life in my, hour by hour."
For my part…I am steadfast to carry out all of my eternal commitments to you,. On your part…you must choose to carry out my command in loyal devotion, confident that I can care of you completely.
Simply, do whatever I direct you to do. Learn to say "yes" to my wishes and "no" to your old inclinations and desires. The instant you do this you find both my energy and my faith is given to you to live in freedom from your old nature. From a revengeful spirit, I save you to do good to those who despise and misuse you. From a quick-fire reactive defensiveness, I save you to calmly respond as I would respond. From a sick soul that falls into every wallow of sin, I save you to triumph over every snare of sin in this world. I can empower you, so you no longer need to be a victim.
It is my saving presence that
Provides your power
Supplies your peace
Insures your purity
And ALWAYS prevails
But to know the fullness of your salvation you cannot live independent of me. That is to live a lie and I have no part in it. Here are the fundamental facts of our life together.
It takes two to be friends. Friendship works both ways. Friends have close communion. Friends have common interests. Friends find great delight in each other’s company. Friends make much time to be together. Friends are loyal.
I am your Friend,
I am YOUR Savior!
I am YOUR Father!
19 hours ago
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