"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy" I Timothy 6:17
I had one of those days yesterday that we don't get too often. Just a quiet, leisurely day. What a blessing!
I began my day on my back porch, the favorite feature of my entire house! I sat there with my cup of coffee, just drinking in the morning stillness. The dew was glistening on the grass, the birds were singing a Hallelujah chorus from the trees and a light breeze was blowing through the trees in our small wooded area.
I delighted in the beauty of a cluster of yellow daylilies in full bloom. They made me think of Mother who grows them and delights in them like no one I've ever known. In fact, she joined me later in the day as we sat in the lounge chairs in the woods, again savoring the surroundings. She had given the daylilies to us when we built our house and they have never been more beautiful than this year. The spring rains have caused everything to be exceptionally beautiful this season. Jesus thought a lot of daylilies too. He said that Solomon, the richest man in the world who could afford and did have probably the most exquisite wardrobe of any man EVER, was never outfitted as beautifully as just one of these lilies! Any wonder my mother loves them so? Each one is a masterpiece of the Master Designer.
Not to take anything away from the daylilies, but just past them in a shady area of the woods is my hydrangea bed. My hydrangeas are blooming with mopheads of blue and a blush of pink. They are a thrill to me because after several years of babying them, this is the first year they have bloomed. And I LOVE hydrangeas. So I routinely find myself just staring at them with joy and delight at their beauty.
It is so seldom that we are able to be quiet and still, to enjoy the beauty that God has placed for our enjoyment around us. We live in such a fast paced world that our schedules don't allow for much "down time" or else if we stop, we feel guilty for all the things we SHOULD be doing.
Yet God created times for us to do just that. To stop, to feast our eyes on His creation, to enjoy the quiet stillness of the day. He said "Be still and know that I am God".
So make time today to obey His word. BE STILL. Take a look around you at the beauty He has placed in YOUR path today for your enjoyment. It may not be daylilies or hydrangeas. It may be the face of your child, the warmth of your spouse's hand in yours, a huge bowl of delicious ice cream or swim in your pool. But just recognize that these simple pleasures are for your enjoyment. Your Heavenly Father delights in providing them for you so that you may relax and unwind and be still before Him. May you hear Him speak in the quietness of those moments.
19 hours ago
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