"Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit but in humility consider OTHERS as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others." Phil. 2: 3,4 (Holman)
WHO do you consider more important than yourself? Hmmmmmmmmm. Make you think?
We are a self-centered society. In today's society and culture, it is all about ME! What I want, what I deserve. Just listen to the voices of advertisements:
You deserve a break today.
Have it your way.
Because You're worth it.
Everything you want, nothing you don't.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Yes, the world would have us put SELF first. But, Jesus says we are to consider others BEFORE ourselves...to prefer others over ourselves. Tall order, isn't it? Not so hard when it's someone you love or someone who treats you well. But what about the guy who cuts you off in traffic? What about the sales clerk who is slow, rude, and inept? What about our spouse who wants to watch the ballgame when we want to watch American Idol?
I Corinthians 13 gives us a model for how to love one another and for the motivation to prefer or consider one another above ourselves. It reminds us that we can "talk the talk" but if we don't "walk the talk", our talk becomes worthless and empty. We can have all sorts of Bible knowledge, but if we don't act on what we know, so what? I can be a great philanthopist, and give to all sorts of charities and ministries. But...if I treat my neighbor like dirt, in God's eyes I'm missing the boat.
God is all about relationships. He desires for us to be His hands, His feet, His mouth and His heart to those around us. We do that my considering others above ourselves. We do that by heeding I Corinthians 13 as our model:
4 - Love is patient.....Love is kind.....Love does not envy; it is not boastful nor conceited.
5 - [Love] does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked and does not keep a record of wrongs;
6 - [Love] finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth
7 - [Love] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 - Love never ends.
Go back and put your name where is says "love". Does it fit you? If not, then maybe today is the day to ask God to help you make that a reality as you walk through this day. Keep that thought in mind throughout today. PREFER OTHERS ABOVE YOURSELF!!
19 hours ago
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