O Lord, there is none like you! You are past finding out. You are higher than the Heavens and deeper than the deepest seas.
Our finite minds cannot grasp that You, O Lord, have always been!!! You have no beginning and no end. How can that be? You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
You are incomprehensible! Your thoughts toward me are more than the sands of the sea!! Lord, I have stood on the seashore and seen the innumerable grains of sand just within the scope of my vision. Yet you tell me that you have MORE thoughts than that of me! Your focus on me is 24/7. I have your full attention every moment of every day. There is never a time when you are not thinking of me, listening to me, seeing me, hearing my thoughts and seeking to communicate with me. Yet while you are doing that with ME, you are doing the same with the other billions of people on this earth at the same time!! What an awesome God you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father, what love you have for me that you would not leave me in my sinful state. But that you would make a way to bridge the gap between us by sending your only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for my sin. Your son, beloved and cherished, was sent by You to be the sacrifice needed to pay MY sin debt! What love!!! What incredible love! I cannot think of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST movie without pain in my heart to realize what Jesus suffered for MY sin. It should have been me, yet he willingly took my place and suffered for MY sin when He was perfectly sinless himself. What amazing love!! "I love you....written in red."
Oh God you are SO holy, so perfect in every way. You alone are God. You spoke and this world was created. You will speak again one day, and the skies will part and Jesus will return in all His radiant glory!! One day we will all bow at your feet and together with the angels we will sing Hallelujah, Worthy is the Lamb!
Father, I praise you for who you are....
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Alpha and Omega
The Great "I AM"
Lion of Judah
Our Great High Priest
Our Loving Father
Creator God
Master Designer
Our Rock
Our Redeemer
Our Strong High Tower
Mighty to Save
You, O Lord God, are EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty. Let everything that hath breath praise You today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 hours ago
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