Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have a Bible Stories for Children cd that I usually play in the car whenever my granddaughters are with me.  My oldest, who is 4, is old enough to really pay attention.  She also is familiar with many of the stories from Sunday School and from some Bible story videos she has at home.  There are certain ones that are her favorites, like Jesus calling the little children to Him.  She always asks for that one no matter where the cd begins.  Makes me wonder if she identifies with the children and that she loves the idea of Jesus wanting the children around Him.  I pray it gives her the sense of His overwhelming love for her.

Another favorite of hers is the story of Esther.  She has the movie of this so she is familiar with the story.  I think that is great and I thank God for all that her parents are doing to point her to Jesus and to His Word.  I was grown before I ever heard the story of Esther.

Yesterday we were riding in the car and she was listening to that story.  She began asking questions about the story and one of her questions was "Why did Haman want to kill all the Jews?"  I told her because he hated them.  Then she asked "What is hate?"

That question pierced my heart because it made me realize how innocent she is and how (thankfully) protected she is.  She has a wonderful Mom and Dad and extended family who love her and cherish her.  She lives in a safe neighborhood.  And, praise God, at the age of 4 she still does not know what HATE is!!  Oh that it could always be that way!!! 

The more I thought about that, the more I thought I WISH I COULD BE 4 AGAIN!!
Wouldn't it be great not to know anything about :















Yet even as I write this, I realize that there are many 4-year olds who HAVE experienced many of those things.  How heartbreaking! 

The good news is that just as my granddaughter's favorite story of the little children Jesus called to himself, He calls us to Himself, inviting us to bring all of those hurts, worries, and concerns to Him so that He can wrap His arms around us and show us how much He values us and how much He loves us.  We can come to Him just as those little children in the Bible story did.  His arms are open wide and He says "Come!  Anyone who hears should say 'Come!'; and the one who is thirsty should come.  Whosoever desires should take the living water as a gift".  Rev. 21: 17 and He also says "Come to me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matt. 11: 28

Are you weak and heavy laden
Cumbered with a load of care
In His arms He'll take and shield thee
Thou wilt find a solace there....

--"What a Friend We Have in Jesus"

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