Well, Happy Mother's Day to me....
My day started off well. I woke up at 12:30 am....again at 1:00 am...again at 2:00 am...and again at 2:55 am, after which I could not go back to sleep! So after lying there for another hour, I finally just got up and decided to read. 5:30 the alarm goes off to awaken my husband and I stumble to the kitchen to fix him and me a cup of coffee, only to find that the congealed salad that I made to take to my sister-in-law's for lunch today is still sitting on the kitchen counter! Hmmmm...is it still good? Cream cheese and sour cream topping, sitting there since 10:30 pm the night before..........??? Then, before I could make that crucial decision, I notice that an army of ants are marching, two by two, across the topping of the blueberry salad. Guess I got my answer. Down the disposal it goes! Now what?????? Must find another recipe that I can make without making a trip to the store. Thankfully, I found one!!
Now time to get ready for church..........sure hope Pastor Ernie has a rip - roaring message this morning. I'm going to need it!
But...even with all that..........that just comes with the territory of being a homemaker, a wife and a mom. Never a dull moment!! And yet I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Being a mother is the hardest job you'll ever love, but I DO love it!
My daughter-in-love held her 5 month old bundle of joy the other day and as she snuggled her close for another kiss, she said "No one could have ever told me the love I'd feel for this little baby........NOTHING could have ever prepared me for THIS!!!" And that about sums it up!
I truly believe that the bond between a mother and her child is unique and unlike any other relationship under the sun. Not that daddies do not love their children...they do and very much. But the relationship between a child and a mother is just different. I believe that while daddies love their children, mothers fall in love with their children. That nine months of carrying a child, knowing that your life is sustaining their life, feeling that life within you is like nothing else in this world!!
God knew that a child would need both the love of a mother and a daddy. Both have different gifts to share and different strengths to give to their child. A child needs the strength and stability of the dad, and the tenderness and gentleness of the mom. (That's why a child does NOT need 2 mommies or 2 daddies!) God had the perfect plan when he created the family unit. His ways are always perfect.
I have had the privilege this year of teaching a sweet group of mommas and one grandmomma like me in our Mom to Mom group. Oh how it blesses my heart to see them desiring to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It's a tough job. Mothering isn't for sissies! Nor is it for the lazy and undisciplined!!
I am so thankful that God allowed me to be a mother. I am so thankful for the two children He graciously blessed me with. I am thankful that I got to have both a boy and a girl. I am eternally grateful for the blessing that they have been and continue to be to my life. I cannot imagine my life without either of them.
And what double joy to see them become parents!! Watching my daughter with our little granddaughter is pure joy to me. She is such an awesome mom!!!!! Much better than I ever was. Seeing my son with his little daughter with his new baby for the first time melted my heart. One of my most treasured photos is of him shortly after she was born, with a tear running down his cheek. Nothing could have prepared him for that moment!! Although he dearly wanted a little boy, this little girl captured his heart from the moment he saw her. And these two little grand-angels are a double-dip delight to this Mimi and their Papaw!
God just keeps blessing and we thank Him for each one. Sooooooooo, although the ants may have made extra work for me and the old eyelids will grow heavy today, I am still one blessed momma and grandmother today and all I can say is THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cup runneth over!!!!!!!! And to my children and grandchildren, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 hours ago
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