FACEBOOK can be quite addicting. As you become part of a community of friends and family, you can keep up with what is going on in everyone's life at a glance. But it seems that new faces are always cropping up. Someone you had not seen or heard from in years suddenly appears as a "mutual friend". That happened to my daughter a few weeks ago.
As a neonatal intensive care nurse, she often keeps up with babies that have been through their unit. So was the case a few weeks back, as the mom of one of her previous "preemies" added photos to her FACEBOOK page. As she was looking at this mom's page, she noticed someone that might be a "mutual friend". She recognized the first name, but not the last. She contacted this person to see how she knew the mom. To her surprise it was a girl she had gone to high school with. She was a few years younger than my daughter. It seems that this girl now lives in the same neighborhood with the mom of the preemie. As they began to talk, it suddenly dawned on this young woman that my daughter had been the nurse mentioned in all of the mom's prayer requests. Each day as her daughter was fighting for her life in the NICU, this mom would send out specific prayer requests and she would always include the names of the doctors and nurses who were caring for her on that given day. My daughter's name was one of the 3 nurses who continually cared for this little angel!
My daughter loves her job. It's all she ever wanted to do and God has definitely equipped her for it. Not everyone can be a nurse with tiny, premature babies with numerous problems. I couldn't. I'd bawl every single day. But not my daughter. God has gifted her for this job without a doubt. I pray for her daily and I pray for her as she works to be a blessing to the babies, to their parents and to those she works with. Others in her family pray for her as well.
But little did she know that a girl she had not seen in years and did not even know that well was praying for her as she cared for this little baby. Their paths had not crossed in all these years (and probably wouldn't have again except for FACEBOOK). Yet God gave her a glimpse of His Kingdom plan at work, threads of His tapestry being woven in her life. He showed her that He has lots of people praying for her that she doesn't even know about on any given day. Prayers being lifted to the throne for her, blessing her, equipping her, strengthening her. He is orchestrating protection and blessing for her sight unseen and in realms unknown to her. Wonderful threads of love and blessing and prayer being woven into her life every day. He is doing the same for you and for me.....all part of the kingdom tapestry!
19 hours ago
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Hi there! Love your blog. Would you mind checking out and "following" mine?
thank you and blessings!!!
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