We have all heard the analogy of a tapestry being a picture of our lives. We see the underside of tangled threads and it looks a mess! But God sees it from above and sees the beautiful weaving of its threads to form a masterpiece.
God has given me a greater view of that this week and it has really thrilled my heart as I've caught a glimpse of it.
Sunday morning my daughter shared a series of stories with me...little snippets of different things going on in the lives of several different people she knows. As she shared one after another, I just saw so vividly how God had intertwined all of them together, just like threads in a tapestry. Although not all of them were related, they WERE all related within the scheme and scope of God's Kingdom plan!
You see, God has a plan for each of our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that "I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord,' plans to prosper you, to give you hope and future." God has plans for each of our lives..... good plans. He has things He desires to accomplish in each of our lives. Each of our lives has a purpose that only we can fulfill. Whether that gets done depends a great deal on how much we yield ourselves to His will and His way. But each of those individual plans fit within a greater plan..His kingdom plan.
God's kingdom plan is for Him to be sovereign, to be our one and only God, to be glorified on this earth, to redeem fallen man and to defeat Satan and banish him once and for all. From Genesis to Revelation we see His kingdom plan revealed and we see Him at work in bringing it all to pass.
Although Satan fought at every turn to keep the Messiah from coming, He came just as God had planned. Although Satan fought to keep Him from going to the cross to pay for our sins, He DID go to the cross and paid for our sins, to redeem us from the penalty of sin. And though he tries every moment of every day to keep man from coming to Christ, daily men and women, boys and girls give their lives to Jesus. Still, he will continue to do all he can to stop those still unredeemed and in addition, will do all he can to render those who are redeemed from growing, maturing and especially from sharing Christ with others.
What I caught a glimpse of this week, is how our lives are so intertwined in ways we cannot begin to fathom. God's perfect timing is incredible!!!!!!
We have been studying the book of Esther in a Beth Moore study and throughout the story, the one prevailing theme has been God's timing! Oh, I can't wait to share with you how exciting this is!!!!!!!! More tomorrow!
19 hours ago
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