Friday, December 1, 2017


Today as we are entering the CHRISTmas season, let us reflect upon the REASON FOR THE SEASON.

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29

I LOVE decorating a pretty table for CHRISTmas....

But, this is NOT the reason for the season.

I LOVE CHRISTmas decorations around my house.

But, this is NOT the reason for the season.

I LOVE celebrating with friends.

But, this is NOT the reason for the season.

I LOVE shopping for gifts for my family.

But this is NOT the reason for the season.

I LOVE baking CHRISTmas cookies with my grandchildren.

But this is NOT the reason for the season.

As fun as all of these things are (and there is nothing wrong with them), these things are NOT the REASON for the SEASON.

This season of CHRISTmas is so that we will BEHOLD JESUS!! To behold means to gaze upon. It is more than a mere glance.

JESUS is the centerpiece of CHRISTmas. It is HIS birthday that we are celebrating, his entrance onto the scene of the great narrative of the Bible. His birth, like no other in the history of mankind, changed the world. HE changed MY world. What about yours?

So, let us not forget the REASON for the SEASON. It is JESUS, the Lamb of God. Let us glance at the trappings of the season, but let us BEHOLD Him and fix our gaze daily upon HIM!

Proverbs 31 ministries shared this inspiring devotional yesterday which describes this further. Hope it blesses you as it did me.

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