Sunday, December 24, 2017



Born in a stable
Died on a cross

Brought forth in poverty
Destined for the Throne

With tears of joy, Mary gave birth
In grief, she watched her Son die

He lived as a carpenter
Died as a criminal
Resurrected as King!

At His birth, the angels sang
At His death, the earth shook

A star shone to lead men to Him
Darkness fell when He took all of our sin

His earthly father gave Him nails to make a living
His Heavenly Father gave Him nails to give us life

With mud He touched blind eyes and gave them sight
With His blood He touched our hearts and gave us life

When He left this earth, only a few were watching
But when He returns, all eyes will behold Him!

In the cradle, He became as we are...flesh
On the cross, He became sin
On my knees, He became my Savior
When He returns, He will come as
King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!

---Pat Thomas

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