But the response I got in return shocked me! When I said my usual 'Fine', I followed it with a polite, 'How are you?' And the answer to my question was not 'FINE'. It was "I'm blessed!" I have never had anyone give me that answer before. In fact, I was so stunned I don't think it really penetrated until I had walked away. But I thought to myself, "I like that! That is going to become my new reply, too!"
Because the truth is I AM BLESSED!!
I have a roof over my head and food on my table.
I have a husband who loves me, but even more, he loves JESUS! And, he has been faithful to me for 44 years!!
I have 2 precious children and 3 extraordinary grandchildren who I love more than life itself.
I have friends that are more like family and who I love as much as family.
I have my health. Oh, I am aging for sure, and it sounds like snap! crackle! and pop! when I get out of bed in the morning, but I am still healthy enough to not be on medication or battling any major diseases and for that I am SO grateful!
I live in a wonderful neighborhood with great neighbors. We get along and we have a lot of fun together.
I have transportation to wherever I need to go. I do not have to bum a ride, walk miles to the store or depend on public transportation.
I have nice clothes to wear, a coat to keep me warm, and shoes on my feet.
I have electricity and running water. I flip a switch and the lights come on, the TV begins to play and the heat or A/C keep my house comfortable. I have indoor plumbing, something even my grandparents did not have until their later years.
I am thankful that my children all have good jobs, nice homes and are all healthy. They have everything they need.
I live in a country that gives me the freedom to go to church each Sunday, read my Bible whenever and wherever I choose and gather with other believers to share the Gospel any time we want without fear of being arrested.
I can go to the polls and vote because we live in a country that allows us to choose who runs our country.
In addition to my health, I can SEE, I can HEAR, I can TASTE my food, I can SMELL cookies baking in the oven and I can FEEL my husband's touch.
I could go on and on and fill pages upon pages of reasons why I am blessed. But as wonderful as ALL of these blessings are (and I am truly thankful for ALL of them!), the REAL reason I am blessed is because of JESUS!! Without Him none of these things would matter. I am blessed because He came into the world as a baby, "existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used for His advantage, [but] He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of man. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross". Philippians 2: 6-8 (Holman)
So I began my new practice yesterday. I was coming out of Barnes and Noble and I held the door for 2 ladies as they exited. One of them said "Thank you. How are you today?" I replied "I'm blessed!!"' She was halfway out the door and she stopped cold. "I LIKE that!!!!" she said enthusiastically with a huge smile on her face.
Yes, as I gaze upon JESUS during this CHRISTmas season, I cannot help but say "I AM BLESSED!!"
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