The packages are all unwrapped. Bows and opened boxes still clutter the floor. Leftovers fill the refrigerator and the scales are bound to show we've all gained 10 pounds! Crowds will fill the stores today exchanging presents that were too large, too small or just plain unwanted. Radio stations will stop playing CHRISTmas music and return to regular programming. Many will return to work today, tired and grumpy.
So goes the day after CHRISTmas.
I wonder what it was like in Bethlehem the day AFTER Jesus was born? After the shepherds left. After the angels were gone back to Heaven. It was just Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus. How long did they remain in the stable? Did anyone else come to see this miracle baby besides the shepherds? The wise men would not arrive til almost two years later at their home, guided by the star.
Somehow I imagine that God gave this little family time alone, to just hold this newborn in their arms while he was...for just a little while...totally theirs. Time to cuddle him, to hold him close, to feel that baby soft skin next to theirs, to sing him a lullabye and to wonder what would lie ahead for the very Son of God.
Every mother holds her newborn baby and wonders about his or her future. What will they look like? What will their personality be like? Will they be outgoing or quiet and shy? Will they be obedient or rebellious? As a new mother I began to pray for my children immediately...praying that they would grow up to know and love the Lord, to serve Him, to follow Him. But Mary's baby WAS the Lord! He would become HER Savior!!
I've always believed that God shielded Mary from knowing all that was to come for Jesus. Otherwise, I do not think that she could have endured it.
Now that all the CHRISTmas rush is behind us, let us take some time to truly meditate on what CHRISTmas is all about. Let us think of what a glorious thing it was that God sent His Son to be born of a virgin...the pure and spotless lamb....sent to be our sacrifice that we might become His children. He came to pay a debt we did not owe, because we owed a debt that we could not pay. That child in the manger is NOT still in the manger. He is ALIVE! And, because He is, we have eternal life though Him!!! That, my friends IS CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!!
To Him be all glory, and honor and praise!!!!!!!!!!
21 hours ago
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