I have always loved beautifully wrapped packages...be it for CHRISTmas, birthdays, showers or whatever. The invention of wire-edged ribbon has allowed even people like me to be able to wrap a lovely package. And if you happen to be one of those talented people like my son-in-love who can do wonders with ribbon, well, you can certainly create a masterpiece!
What is it about the pretty wrappings that draw us to a gift? If you were to place 2 gifts under a tree....one wrapped with ordinary paper and curly ribbon and one wrapped in elegant paper with an ornately tied, beautiful ribbon........which do you think the majority of people would choose if given the opportunity? I know which one I would pick...the pretty one! Of course, the pretty one might hold some tube socks and the plain one a diamond bracelet, so outer beauty does not really give insight to what lies inside.
For years the Jews had been awaiting a king...the messiah. Prophets had foretold that he would come and they were waiting. But, they were looking for someone in kingly robes with all the splendor of a king. They were not looking for a tiny baby born to a peasant girl. They certainly were not expecting their king to be born in a smelly cave with the animals. Yet that night in Bethlehem with the stars shining bright, God's gift to the world was born. He did not come with the fanfare of a king. He did not come dressed in robes of purple. He came in human flesh, in the package of a baby who cried and nursed and slept in the company of shepherds. Yet he was KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS!
This CHRISTmas, do not miss the best gift of all amidst the outer trappings of CHRISTmas. Do not get so caught up in CHRISTmas trees, beautiful packages, and your TO DO list, that you miss the greatest gift of all.........JESUS CHRIST!
21 hours ago
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