Saturday, June 24, 2017


Several months ago, my husband and I dug up a rose bush from my Mother's house and transplanted it to my house.  You see my Mother passed away in December of 2015 and her house is currently for sale.  She had had this white rose, JOHN F KENNEDY, for years.  It would sometimes be as tall as me and it bloomed prolifically every year.  In fact, it had already bloomed when we dug it up.  I had debated about moving it, but I love roses and since this was Mother's....well, I just wanted it because it was hers.

We brought it home but we didn't set it out for a couple of days due to some heavy rain.  When we set it out, it looked bad.  I wish I had made a picture of it, but unfortunately I didn't.  Just take my word for it, all the leaves had drooped except for one little leaflet near the top.  It remained green and perky.  After about a week, I decided to cut it back and cut all the dead leaves off.  The one little great leaflet remained, still looking good.  The main stalk was also green but the stalk to the outside was black. I knew pretty well that it was a goner, but I waited just a little longer to see.

I REALLY wanted this rose to live.  I prayed more than once, asking God to make it take root and to allow me the joy of having this rose to live.  Day after day I looked and day after day, nothing.  Weeks went by.  Nothing.  I fertilized it.  I watered it.  I prayed over it.

It had probably been 2 months or more when I peeked out the window just above it one morning to see if we'd had any rain the night before, and I could not believe my eyes!  This is what I saw:

The little leaflet at the top right is the one that had failed to die.  All the other little sprouts of leaves were new....having just sprouted almost overnight!  There was even one tiny leaf at the bottom of the black cane, but that cane looked so bad and was so unhealthy, that I cut it off so all I have remaining is the main part.  Thrilled is an understatement!!!!!!!!!!  I thanked the Lord for letting it live and for the sweet blessing He allowed me to have of letting Mother's rose live.

It's been about a month now and this is what it looks like now:

I am so excited!  I can hardly wait for it to bloom!  And what's more, it is so healthy and green!  

Watching this little rose bush literally come back from the dead has reminded me once again of how people can often look hopeless, but to God NO ONE is hopeless!!  God never gives up on us.  We may give up on ourselves.  Others may give up on us. But, God NEVER gives up on us!  As barren as our lives may be, as long as we have breath, there is hope.

There are people in my life that I have prayed for for years.  I see no change.  Yet I know that God is working on the inside and moving and working in ways I cannot see.  I could see no activity within  this rose.  Day after day I looked and hoped to see just a tiny sprout of a leaf.  Yet, there was nothing.  Until one day, suddenly, out of the blue...there came the leaves!  And one day, I truly believe, that God is going to bring life where now there appears to be none.  Beauty for ashes.  

So thank you, God, for reminding me again, that with you, there is ALWAYS hope.  

"Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me?  Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him more and more."  Psalm 43: 5  "For thou art my hope, O Lord God; thou art my trust from my youth."  Psalm 70: 5

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