Sunday, December 3, 2017


I was shopping the other day and someone said, 'How are you today?'  I gave my usual response....'Fine'.  Isn't that what we all say?  Even if we are NOT fine, we say we are.  Because that question is usually not asked because someone genuinely wants to know how we are.  It is just a conversational question.

But the response I got in return shocked me!   When I said my usual 'Fine', I followed it with a polite, 'How are you?' And the answer to my question was not 'FINE'.  It was "I'm blessed!"  I have never had anyone give me that answer before.  In fact, I was so stunned I don't think it really penetrated until I had walked away.  But I thought to myself, "I like that!  That is going to become my new reply, too!"

Because the truth is I AM BLESSED!!

I have a roof over my head and food on my table.  

I have a husband who loves me, but even more, he loves JESUS!  And, he has been faithful to me for 44 years!!

I have 2 precious children and 3 extraordinary grandchildren who I love more than life itself.   

I have friends that are more like family and who I love as much as family.

I have my health.  Oh, I am aging for sure, and it sounds like snap! crackle! and pop! when I get out of bed in the morning, but I am still healthy enough to not be on medication or battling any major diseases and for that I am SO grateful!

I live in a wonderful neighborhood with great neighbors.  We get along and we have a lot of fun together.  

I have transportation to wherever I need to go. I do not have to bum a ride, walk miles to the store or depend on public transportation.

I have nice clothes to wear, a coat to keep me warm, and shoes on my feet.

I have electricity and running water.  I flip a switch and the lights come on, the TV begins to play and the heat or A/C keep my house comfortable.  I have indoor plumbing, something even my grandparents did not have until their later years.  

I am thankful that my children all have good jobs, nice homes and are all healthy.  They have everything they need.

I live in a country that gives me the freedom to go to church each Sunday, read my Bible whenever and wherever I choose and gather with other believers to share the Gospel any time we want without fear of being arrested.

I can go to the polls and vote because we live in a country that allows us to choose who runs our country.

In addition to my health, I can SEE, I can HEAR, I can TASTE my food, I can SMELL cookies baking in the oven and I can FEEL my husband's touch.  

I could go on and on and fill pages upon pages of reasons why I am blessed.  But as wonderful as ALL of these blessings are (and I am truly thankful for ALL of them!), the REAL reason I am blessed is because of JESUS!!  Without Him none of these things would matter.  I am blessed because He came into the world as a baby, "existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used for His advantage, [but] He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of man.  And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross".  Philippians 2: 6-8 (Holman)

So I began my new practice yesterday.  I was coming out of Barnes and Noble and I held the door for 2 ladies as they exited.  One of them said "Thank you.  How are you today?"  I replied "I'm blessed!!"'  She was halfway out the door and she stopped cold.  "I LIKE that!!!!" she said enthusiastically with a huge smile on her face.  

Yes, as I gaze upon JESUS during this CHRISTmas season, I cannot help but say "I AM BLESSED!!"  

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